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  • Why am I seeing so many Bees?
    When you see bees flying or crawling around your home or business you may be wondering where exactly they call home. It could be in a tree, it could be in a irrigation box in the ground, or it could be in the walls of your house. Here are a few indicators of what might be going on when you see a large amount of Bees for an extended period of time. "Foraging Bees" When temperatures are warm and flowers are blossoming throughout the seasons, bees will begin the process of foraging for pollen and nectar. If the plants have a abundance of flowers, it may appear that you have a bee hive nearby. Hundreds of bees may be seen flying from flower to flower on a bush or tree. This process is completely normal however, and should not be any cause for concern as these bees will generally not be aggressive or harm anyone unless threatened or provoked. In some cases there may be a hive present but generally, the bees are foraging and are just attracted to the flowers on or in the area. If bees are acting aggressively or are stinging people or pets in the area, it is a indication that there is likely a hive at the location or nearby. "The Swarm" A bee swarm is a large number of bees huddled together in flight or resting on or in a specific spot as they try to locate a good spot to build a hive. Typically, they land and will remain stationed at that spot for around 24-48 hours while scout bees look for a good place to call home, generally a crevice in a wall, tree or other structure. Most swarms will eventually move on and are not agressive provided they are not bothered. Never attempt to move or destroy it yourself and, if possible, stay out of the immediate area. You may need to close your windows and stay inside. If avoiding the area is impossible, you may wish to contact a professional to remove the bees, before giving them a chance to move on by themselves. "The Interior Colony or Hive" This situation is common and usually a bigger problem than most people realize. When scout bees locate a hole in a wall or structure, they communicate with the swarm and enter the cavity with their queen to begin the amazing process of building a thriving bee colony. Generally, you will only see a few bees at a time flying in and out of a small opening. If left unchecked, the bees will build a large hive within the space of a wall, roof or tree for example. After only a few months a large colony of over 10,000 bees and pounds of honey can be lurking inside. Properly removing an interior hive requires opening the structure/wall, saving the bees, removing the comb and honey and sealing/treating the area to remove any scent that may attract other bees to the location. Failing to remove the hive elements can result in new bees moving in, honey dripping into the structure, causing damage and/or attracting other insects or rodents to the abandoned honey. "Exterior Colony or Hive" An exterior hive is just that. Bees have started to build a hive in plain sight! This situation is far more rare than a interior colony and commonly occurs up in a tree or bush. Exterior hives can appear to be a simple swarm but unlike a swarm the bees remain indefinately and there will be comb at the site. If you can see comb or the bees have been at the location for more than a week, it is likely that it is an actual hive, and not a swarm.
  • How long does a Bee Removal take?
    Bee removals are usually completed within a 4 hour window. Time varies based on whether a repair is involved, where the bees are located, size of the hive, and other factors.
  • Is it illegal to kill Honey Bees in California?
    Yes, and no. In order to legally exterminate bees, there must be a swarm or hive present. You can not just kill bees that are foraging for water, food, or scouting. If bees are simply doing what they do naturally (foraging and scouting) and there is no hive or swarm, it is illegal for a pest control company to destroy them. Examples of situations where it is illegal to kill bees are: When they are foraging for water in your swimming pool When they are foraging for food on your bird feeder or when you BBQ When they are pollinating trees and bushes When they are scouting for a new location to set up a hive In California, It is considered bad practice to arbitrarily kill honey bees without at least making an effort to save them. If people or property are in danger it may be necessary, but would likely require very rare circumstances. Most of the time bees can be removed live without damaging the property or hurting anyone. Reputable pest control companies will first do everything they can to save honey bees before resorting to extermination. Killing honey bees is often just a quick fix that doesn't solve the problem and costs more in the long run.
  • Are Honey Bees on the Decline?
    In 1950 in the United States there were approximately 5.5 million colonies of honey bees. Now in 2018, there are around 2.5 million. Loss of habitat, changes in weather and temperature in various regions, change in agricultural practices, and other factors have contributed to this decline. In 2006, what is known as CCD (colony collapse disorder) came on the scene. CCD was so named because of the unexplained dying off of honey bee colonies, even though they had plenty of honey and pollen. Because of CCD, winter losses among beekeepers have been higher than normal. Some possible causes were thought to be the following: varroa mites, diseases, pesticides, GMOs (genetically modified organisms), and commercial and unnatural beekeeping practices. It can be challenging keeping bees in the 21st century. Beekeepers managing colonies in the US must cope with a myriad of issues. It takes knowledge, skill, and perseverance to overcome these challenges and be a successful beekeeper.
  • What are "Africanized" Honey Bees?"
    The African honey bee is a subspecies of the European honey bee, native to most of the central and southern parts of Africa. Its sting is no more dangerous than other bees, but its behavior is more unusual: It is much more aggressive than other bees, with a tendency to pursue and send many attackers after any perceived threat. It’s also much less desirable as a commercial honeybee, producing less honey and with a weird apathy about leaving the hive behind; during a threat, swarms will just fly away and abandon their hives in pursuit of any perceived aggression. African honeybees also breed and build hives extremely quickly, much more quickly than other bees, and they place a greater emphasis on producing young. Because of that, they also tend to focus on gathering pollen, which can feed the young, rather than nectar, which is more easily converted into honey and thus can feed adult bees. Honey is produced in larger quantities by the European varieties of the Western honeybee because it, unlike the African varieties, has to store food for winter. As a general rule, always treat every type of honey bee with respect and caution. Even generally docile species can act very aggressive if they feel threatened.
  • What do I do if attacked by Bees?
    1. Run - the further you get from the bees and more specifically, their hive, the more likely they will abandon chasing and stinging you. Find shelter if possible. 2. Do not jump into water. Bees have been known to wait for you to surface to continue the attack. 3. Once you are in a safe area, remove any stingers as quickly as possible. Honey Bees leave their stingers in the skin. A venom sac is attached to the stinger and will continue to pump venom. Use a credit card, finger nail, or knife blade to help scrape the stinger out of your skin. 4. Seek medical attention immediately, especially if you experience hives, swelling around the throat or face, or difficulty breathing. While an average healthy adult may able to withstand hundreds of bee stings, for people with bee venom allergies even a single sting can be highly dangerous.
  • Do you offer free Bee Removal?
    Unfortunately we cannot offer free bee removal. Due to the nature and expenses of this business very few professional bee removal companies can provide free services. Expenses such as liability insurance, gas, vehicle upkeep, specialized bee removal tools, equipment, training and advertising costs require we charge for our services. Furthermore, once we perform a bee removal, the newly relocated hive of bees needs to be housed and fed to stay alive, which grows increasingly more expensive due to drought and changing weather patterns. We also guarantee to solve your bee problem, provide excellent customer service, work hard in dangerous situations, and put up with literally hundreds of bee stings per season. These and others, are the reasons most bee removal professionals and seasoned beekeepers do not offer free bee removals, especially in California.
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